What We Do
Tradespeople recognize other tradespeople. We have all had to deal with product and paint suppliers who have never taken on an industry job in their life. It’s hard to take seriously recommendations from someone who does not fully understand the industry or climate within which you work. This is never truer than when it comes to the Canadian industrial and maintenance painting sector. We know our clients and Mother Nature place demands on our painters that can only be matched with precise technique and unyielding products.
Feel confident knowing, when you work with Avid Industrial, you are partnering with a team of industry painting professionals who have trained some of the best in the business. Three-plus decades of working all throughout the Industrial Blasting and Painting industry has brought our team full circle. Avid Industrial Maintenance Inc. was formed to fully realize the journey from Craftsmen who shared their industry insight through to businesspeople who are eager to connect quality industrial painters with superior spraying and painting products.
At Avid Industrial, we have a relentless passion for the craft. We understand the unique needs of industrial blasters and painters because we ARE industrial blasters and painters. We believe the present and future success of the industry is rooted in reaffirming the value of professional products and people. With the growing trend of DIY and un- or ill-trained repair people popping up on every project, industrial painters can distinguish themselves with coatings sandblasting and painting equipment that looks great – not just when it goes on, but for years to come.
Who we are when we aren’t helping blasters and painters
The owners of Avid Industrial are Kevin and Megan – a Canadian couple who have been married for 22 years and have two remarkable children. Not only partners in life, but also partners in business, both halves lend their expertise towards keeping the company running, evolving and growing. Megan manages the office side of the organization while Kevin works directly with vendors and equipment specialists to ensure we have the very best products the industrial painting sector has to offer.
Why it all matters
Prior to transitioning into a product-oriented venture, Avid Industrial – and the family-oriented professionals behind it – trained industrial painters to work smarter, not harder. For years, the dynamic duo helped painters and sprayers elevate their skill sets to take on more complex, large-scale and higher paying jobs. With an emphasis on safety, quality and delivery, Avid Industrial has always aimed to enhance the perception of industrial painters to more closely align with the talent and commitment demanded of our vocation. This is something both Kevin and Megan remain passionate about. Now, instead of focusing on education, they are going full tilt with the potential and prowess of superior surface preparation and painting equipment, supplies, parts and service.